Test Pass

A “test pass” is a term commonly used in software testing to describe the execution of a specific set of test cases against a software application or system. It’s essentially a testing phase where a predetermined group of test cases are run to evaluate the functionality, quality, or performance of the software.

Here’s how it typically works:

  1. Test Case Selection: Test cases are selected from a larger pool of test cases, usually based on specific criteria such as the nature of the changes made to the software, the criticality of the functionality being tested, or the priority of the test cases.
  2. Test Execution: The selected test cases are executed against the software, either manually or through automated testing tools. During this phase, testers follow predefined steps and inputs to determine if the software behaves as expected and if it meets the required criteria.
  3. Test Results: Testers record the results of the test pass, documenting any issues, defects, or unexpected behaviors they encounter. If all test cases pass without issues, the test pass is considered successful.
  4. Defect Reporting: If any defects or issues are identified during the test pass, they are typically documented and reported to the development team for resolution.
  5. Test Pass Conclusion: After executing all the selected test cases and addressing any defects found, the test pass is concluded. The results are analyzed to determine whether the software is ready for the next phase or release, or if further testing and development are required.

Test passes help ensure that software meets its quality and functionality requirements by systematically testing it in different phases of development. Multiple test passes may be conducted during the software development lifecycle, including unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and user acceptance testing, to name a few. Each pass focuses on different aspects of the software and provides valuable feedback to improve its quality and reliability.

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